Thursday, July 7, 2011

Running a business is no easy task especially during its initial years, and any business owner can attest to this fact. Research has shown that most businesses crumble during their first five years of operation. The problems faced by business owners vary, from lack of capital to inadequate cash flow among other factors. It therefore becomes imperative for someone thinking of going into business to strategically plan before plunging into business.

The one major factor that has truly frustrated the growth of many businesses is the management of human resource. It can be quiet tricky to entrust the running of your business to another person especially when they are not in line with your desires. Therefore, it is important that your workers understand the vision of your business from the word go.

Do not be selfish but talk to your staff periodically and share with them your goals, and do not forget to involve them in your scheme of things in terms of them benefiting from the business. This will make them have a sense of ownership and work hard towards making sure the business flourishes.

One way of doing this is by offering training to your employees on product knowledge, communication skills and of course customer care proficiency. These are the skills that are required to maintain and even acquire more clients hence business growth.

When you make money remember to plough most or part of it back to the business. This can be done before your business reaches auto-pilot mode, where you do not need to be present for your business to run efficiently. Before then also give it the uttermost attention especially the first five years. Your business has the capacity to become international if you nurture it carefully.

Belsheba is a business management expert. She researches and studies on big and small business organizational strategies. Website: Business Management Solutions  for efficient business operation.

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

Body language is very important to successful communication; in fact it can work better than words. Good posture and approachable stance can help to make difficult conversations flow smoothly. Tone of voice also contributes to good communication skills. Hence, start to do exercises to lower the pitch of your voice. Make eye contact while speaking with others which conveys your interest.

Along with expression skills, good listening skills are also very essential. It is an important aspect of good communication. You should be able to listen to others carefully and understand their ideas. You should keep your mind open for compromises and alternate solutions.

Here are some tips to improve your communication skills. You should be clear about your ideas and have enough courage to express them clearly. If you speak fast, people will assume that you are nervous. Hence, slow down while talking. You should talk to be heard, speak with confidence and pronounce your words correctly to avoid being misunderstood. You should be able to express your ideas and suggestions in a positive way. If there are some negative points, present them in positive manner. Good communication skills can be achieved if you practice daily.

The University of Pittsburgh's Katz Business School conducted a recent survey which revealed that communication skills were named as the single more important decisive factor in choosing managers. The survey, also pointed out that communication skills, (both oral and written) and the ability to work with others are the main factors that contribute to job success and more promotions.

Hopefully, these tips will improve your communication skills and help you in personal and professional life.